Media Freedom

dokuz8NEWS' flagship account @dokuz8haber has been restricted again on Twitter

On June 7, 2020 dokuz8NEWS' twitter account for its main Turkish publication channel dokuz8haber has been

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restricted again disallowing the editors to publish news articles on the social-first principle publication's main platform. While the news readers can access previously published news articles by simply clicking on "view profile", the account is unable to publish new articles. While the news agency's twitter account had previously been locked down, restricted and even suspended previously, there had always been given a reason and this was communicated through e-mail by @twittersupport. Yet the most recent restriction on dokuz8NEWS had no such information and the news center is still not certain regarding the reason why the account was restricted. Recently, there had been an increasing "spam-fights" on Turkish timeline as various troll groups had been targeting accounts they deem as "harmful" to their ideology, life-style and approach to life. Lately CHP Istanbul chair Canan Kaftancıoğlu's twitter account had also been restricted without any reason being communicated to her. Also in April 2020, dokuz8NEWS’ English language account was locked down temporarily due to a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) request concerning a news piece that was published in 2019 regarding the self-proclaimed “messiah” İskender Evrenesoğlu’s websites getting blocked upon request from Turkish Directorate of Religious Affairs.